SOLIDWORKS Simulation Training

SOLIDWORKS Simulation - 30325

Useful For SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium with One Year Subscription Service SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional with One Year Subscription Service
Course ID 30325
Class # C102
Availability Special Order
Professional Development Credits 4.00
Classroom 3 sessions, 7 hours each
Virtual Classroom 8 sessions, 2.5 hours each
Course Dates November 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2021
Course Time 1:00pm - 3:30pm Central Time
Location Virtual Class
Trainer Nick Pusateri
Max Students 20
Current Enrollment 15
Prereqs Students attending this course are expected to have the following:
â?¢ Mechanical design experience.
â?¢ Completed CAD110 SOLIDWORKS Essentials.
â?¢ Experience with the Windowsâ?¢ operating system.

The goal of this course is to teach you how to use the SOLIDWORKS Simulation software to help you analyze static structural behavior of your SOLIDWORKS part and assembly models. The focus of this course is on the fundamental skills and concepts central to the successful use of Simulation. You should view the training course manual as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, the system documentation and on-line help. Once a good foundation in basic skills has been developed, you can refer to the on-line help for information on less frequently used options.

    The Analysis Process Mesh Controls Stress Concentrations Boundary Conditions Assembly Analysis With Contacts Symmetrical and Free Self Equilibrated Assemblies Assembly Analysis With Connectors Compatible/Incompatible Meshes Assembly Analysis Mesh Refinement Analysis of Thin Components Mixed Meshing Shells & Solids Mixed Meshing Solids, Beams, and Shells Design Scenarios Thermal Stress Analysis Adaptive Meshing Large Displacement Analysis

The SOLIDWORKS Simulation training guide will be supplied at the beginning of class and is yours to keep.

Students will have a strong understanding of how to utilize the tools in SOLIDWORKS Simulation to improve their designs.